Taking the First Step – Nika’s blog

Taking the First Step Blog

Taking the First Step – Nika’s blog

Taking the First Step Blog
Searching for the perfect project

Searching for the perfect project

… is a guaranteed way to never actually start one. I told you in my previous blog that I realised that I needed to start hacking life — rethink what success means to me, and plot a course that would take me there. I knew immediately that in the process, I would have to find a project that would allow me to create something out of nothing and to be a platform for developing new skills. But I didn’t know […]

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Taking the first step to hacking life

Taking the first step to hacking life

Back in college, a friend told me that his life plan was to study something interesting, find an awesome project to work on, make a ton of money with it and retire at the age of 30. He was a few years older than me, studying in the field of engineering and he was one of the smartest people I knew, so I was pretty convinced he had it all figured out. The idea of retiring at 30 seemed quite

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