About Us
"Quality board games that bring people together and whisk them into adventure."
SnowBoardGames is a small independent board game publishing studio from Slovenia, Europe. Our mission is to create quality games that bring people together and whisk them into adventure. Our first game, Hike! was released on Kickstarter, where 3451 backers from all over the world raised 119.415€ to bring the game to life. Hike! Is now available in retail, and we are already working on our next projects.
Nika Mlinarič Hribar and Blaž Hribar are designers of Hike! and the driving force behind SnowBoardGames. We are currently balancing our life between SnowBoardGames and professional careers in science and engineering.
Outside of the gaming world, Nika is a physicist interested in numerical simulations and she is currently doing a PhD at Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana. Her previous work was in aviation industry, where she was involved in the development of flight simulators. She was one of the 10 nominees for the 2019 Female Engineer of the Year Award, a national award that aims to provide role models for young girls and promote women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. And Blaž is a civil engineer working in a boutique design bureau. He specialises in the area at the intersection of civil engineering and architecture that focuses on the interplay of bioclimatic design and structural building physics. His mission is to design indoor environments optimized for the user.
We are an active couple who enjoy board games, climbing, mountaineering, snowboarding and mountain biking. SnowBoardGames started as our corona project, and it has been a crazy amazing learning experience that allowed us to step out of our comfort zone, rethink our perspective, and create something of our own. We warmly encourage anyone who has their own creative passion project idea, or wants to make a change to the routine, to go for it! You can read more about our journey in Taking the First Step blog that Nika was writing when it all started.